K9 Security
Though our community commonly classifies K-9 service dogs as serving Law Enforcement. The Allegianz K-9 Unit is our highly recommended, preventive security solution in today’s changing social environments. Possessing heightened senses and agility the K9 Security Dog proves to be an invaluable asset in discouraging those with malicious intents. The K-9 assists our K9 Security Officers in patrolling wide areas, access controls and safety management.
We import our certified K9’s from The Netherlands. Where they have been trained by our Certified Dutch instructors, in the policies and disciplines of the Dutch K.N.P.V(Royal Dutch Police Dog Association), Bond voor de Diensthond (Dutch Working dog Association) and I.P.O (Protection Dog Program).
Our K-9 Handlers undergo and pass an intensive training course with their K9 partner. Which builds a strong relationship and develops complete trust between handler and dog.